Face Off Round 2 – 52 shots from its 30mm max bore tubes lasting 45 seconds. Kicking off with gold brocade and blue star bouquet mines to bursts of brocade crown and red strobe, a z-firing volley of multi-coloured mines lift to a deep, fine gold brocade. Silver swirling tourbillion tails rise to red ghost. A V firing volley of blue mines burst with silver and red before more multi-coloured mines rise to dusty gold brocades climaxing with a chrysanthemum mine volley to chrysanthemum and red stars above.
Face Off Round 2
Technical Specification
Safety Distance 25 metres Hazard Classification 1.3G - F3 Product Duration 53 secs Tube Size 30mm Shots per Unit 52 Powder Weight 1000g Total Effect Height >30 metres Noise Level High Mixed Angles
This product fires straight up and fanned